Jornada sobre el Reporting no Financiero como práctica de transparencia Informativa y de fomento de la RSE

On October 25, 2019, from 9.30 to 14.30, the “Conference on Non-Financial Reporting as a practice of Informative transparency and promotion of CSR” will be held at ASIVACO headquarters.



The lessons learned on the economic, social and reputational costs derived from inadequate management of corporate communication in the face of environmental disasters, social damages or problems in corporate governance, have convinced leading companies of the need to increase their management practices and informative transparency on non-financial issues. There is a trend of rapid growth in the number of large companies that publish Sustainability Reports or include non-financial information in Annual Reports or Management Reports.

The transposition of Directive 2014/95 / EU into the Spanish legal system through Royal Decree-Law 18/2017 on non-financial information and diversity oblígate all listed Spanish companies with at least 250 employees to file a Non-Financial Statement Consolidated, offering the necessary information to understand the evolution, results and situation of the company, regarding at least environmental, social, respect for human rights, fight against corruption and bribery questions.

Managers must be prepared to undertake an increase in the mandatory regulation on the disclosure of non-financial information related to both environmental (for example, issues such as climate change) and social (for example, aspects such as respect for human rights throughout the value chain of the company) or corporate governance (for example, to implement diversity management policies).
On the other hand, the dissemination of non-financial information is an increasingly obligatory practice for all companies, not only because it has been reflected in legal requirements but because it can become an entry barrier for contracting processes or obtaining public aid.

Throughout the day, the regulatory framework and trends that advise companie will be presented to the companies, if they have not already done so, to start the development of a non-financial reporting system and its integration with classic financial reporting, of complete and integrated corporate reporting. Attendees will be given a practical guide prepared to assist them in this task. In addition, the results of a study carried out among the companies of Fuente del Jarro industrial estate will be presented, on their adoption of these new information practices and the differences in economic results that have been associated with better information transparency.

Agencia de Colocación de Paterna
Red Innpulso
Red Española de Ciudades Inteligentes
Red Española de territorios Socialmente Sostenibles

Town hall of Paterna · Administration building · Phone +34 96 305 30 38 · ·