• The Mayor of Paterna, Juan Antonio Sagredo and the head of Nagi, Javier Bosch have shown the regional council of Finance, Vicent Soler the operation of the Intelligent Anti-Drowning System that the consistory has implemented in one of its pools through the Plan Actúa, the project financed by the EU with 10 million euros from the FEDER funds.

The regional council of Finance and Economic Model, Vicent Soler has visited Paterna today to learn first-hand about the Actua Plan projects, the urban development strategy co-financed by the EU FEDER Funds and the Paterna City Council with which the city will receive a injection of 20 million euros. Climent, accompanied by the Undersecretary of the regional council of Finance and Economic Model, Eva Martínez, the director of the Valencian Institute of Finance, Manuel Illueca and the general director of Financing and European Funds, Andreu Iranzo, has been received at the Town Hall by the Mayor de Paterna, Juan Antonio Sagredo and the municipal corporation.

After signing in the Golden Book, the technicians of the Economic Promotion Area of the City Council have presented Climent the different projects that make up the Act Plan that the city is carrying out to become an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive city.

During the meeting, Sagredo highlighted that “the Plan Actúa is an ambitious project that complements other municipal initiatives such as the Paterna Economic Development Strategy with which we seek to make us become a modern and innovative city”.

Subsequently, the regional council, together with the Mayor and the Councilors for Finance, Eva López and Sports, José Manuel Mora, have traveled to the swimming pool of the Municipal Sports City to learn about the Intelligent Anti-Drowning System, one of the Plan's projects.

This system allows detecting, in real time, the exact position of a swimmer that is sinking, through a coin-sized token that is placed on the cap or swimsuit and emits a bluetooth signal. This manages to prevent drowning as it allows lifeguards to know the location of bathers at all times and to receive alarms in the event of sinking.

In addition, it also allows determinate the seconds the person has been submerged or detecting the onset of a serious physical complication, even if the person remains afloat. A unique system in the world that could significantly reduce the number of drowning in swimming pools and that - as Sagredo has pointed out – “complements the lifeguard's work”.

The Plan Actua is an urban development strategy that includes improvements in all neighborhoods and that projects, among other actions, the creation of free WIFi zones, a Digital Literacy Plan as well as initiatives to improve pedestrian accessibility and mobility o conservation and recovery of natural sites.